Sunday Mirror

I lost a baby on the morning of Tyson’s comeback fight but hid it from him so he wouldn’t worry


started going out on his own. He’d come back and say, ‘ Oh what’s the point? It d o e sn’t me a n anything. No one appreciate­s it’.

“He’d started saying he was depressed and ‘ What’s the point in life?’ I told him, ‘ The point to life is to get up and live and enjoy it’. But nothing was ever enough.”

As Tyson’s illness got worse his weight soared to 28 stone. “He didn’t even want to get up in the morning, go for a jog or go out as a family,” she says. “He was never happy.

“The times he was staying out got later – 1am, 2am, 3am – then he’d come home upset and depressed – and as things got worse, in tears.

“He was in severe depression. He didn’t see the point in living.

“I’d say, ‘ You’ve got children to live for. You’ve got us to live for’ and he’d say, ‘But I just don’t want to live’.

“It got to the stage where me, his dad and his brothers would be calling each other saying, ‘ Is he healthy today?’ We were basically on suicide watch.”

Then Tyson turned to drugs. “I had no idea he was on them at the time,” Paris says. “He regrets it now, but it was something he did in a dark space.


“To everyone else things didn’t seem as bad. He would hide it from the outside world and the kids. He’d put on a smile for them,

“But I saw it and heard it on a daily basis. I was there when he cried, screamed and shouted.” As their rela- tionship became more strained, Paris, also from a traveller family in Doncaster, South Yorks, edged closer and closer to walking out of their £500,000 home in Morecambe, Lancs.

She says: “I was saying to friends and family, ‘ I can’t stop what he’s doing’. But I was worried what would happen if I left. If you’re there for each other it has to be better than going through it alone.”

Paris believes the turning point came after Tyson came within seconds of deliberate­ly crashing his Ferrari in October last year. She says:

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