Sunday Mirror


Shock NHS data reveals the crisis

- BY KEIR MUDIE Deputy Political Editor

ONE man has died and a further 23 people were injured as a bus full of pub regulars overturned on its way to Kelso races yesterday.

Sources said the dead man had decided to join the trip at the last minute when a seat became available unexpected­ly.

The driver and 22 other passengers were all taken to hospital following the crash on the A6089 between Carfraemil­l and Gordon in the NINETY people a day are dying as they wait for social care, according to figures released by the NHS.

Stats show that in 2017/18 there were 32,115 requests from people who later died while waiting for a care package.

Barbara Keeley MP, Labour’s Shadow Cabinet Minister for Social Care, said: “This is the grim and horrifying extent of the social care crisis – vulnerable people are dying needlessly while waiting for care.

“Cuts to council budgets by this Conservati­ve government mean there is less money for social care – that means fewer packages despite ever-growing demand.

“While Tory Ministers delay a funding solution to this crisis by shelving publicatio­n of their unnecessar­y Green Paper, more vulnerable people will die. People in need of care need action now. That is why, at the Scottish Borders at around 11am. Locals at the Dean Tavern in Newtongran­ge, Midlothian, whose customers had organised the day out, spoke of their devastatio­n. One unnamed man broke down in tears, saying: “It’s been a tragedy.”

Another, Iain Johnston, 71, had a lucky escape. He said: “I was supposed to be on the bus with my 24-year-old grandson but we decided to take the train on Friday instead.” last election, Labour pledged an additional £ 8billion across the parliament for social care to begin to ease the Tory social care crisis, before moving to a new National Care Service for the long term.”

New analysis of official NHS Digital data by Labour has revealed that the total number of people receiving local authority-funded social care has fallen by 104,000 since 2015.

The analysis also shows that the number of adults aged over 65 receiving social care has fallen by 106,900 since 2015.

The number of adults in the same age group receiving residentia­l and nursing care has fallen by over 90,000 and those receiving social care in their own homes has fallen by more than 23,000 since 2015.

Ms Keeley added: “These findings show the astounding scale of the care and support crisis facing both older adults and vulnerable disabled adults.

“This irresponsi­ble government’s decision to choke off funding to councils who deliver care comes at a time when both older adults and disabled younger adults are living longer and need more care, not less. “Continual inaction from this government while it delays its unnecessar­y Green Paper has left more and more people who desperatel­y need help washing, toileting and taking medication without this vital support.”


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BLAZE Protester on the run
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