Sunday Mirror

A happy YOU year for 2019


Yes it's that time again when I get out my shiny new diary and neatly write out my resolution­s for 2019 in the January J 1 entry.

I will vow to save sa rather than spend, declutter dec not hoard, get slimm slimmer, get off the sofa and get mo more water down my neck than wi wine.

Of course, co come January 2, I will have gone back on all those objectiv objectives and be beating mysel myself up.

On the sofa sofa. Drinking wine. But you know kno what, life really is like a box of chocolates.

And no, I don't do mean empty, like the boxes in my house.

But you don don't know what you are going to get.

So for 2019, 2019 don't put limits on yourself a and make yourself mise miserable trying to achieve the im impossible.

Be empow empowered and be very happy a and make the most of what whatever the year throws at you. you

I'd better get g my skates on... Happy New N Year.

Massive congratula­tions to Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth who tied the knot in a low-key ceremony. I loved that her singer dad Billy Ray was taking photos on his ancient Blackberry camera.

This young couple were heartbroke­n after losing their Malibu home in the recent wildfires. So it’s wonderful to see them ending the year with huge big grins on their faces.

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