Sunday Mirror

My main aim is to be better all round in 2019


Last week I wrote about looking back on 2018, taking pride in what I did well – and considerin­g where I could have been better.

In two days it will be 2019 and, for me, it’s now that I think about how I can make a positive difference for next year – better for me, better for my family and better for the world in general.

I guess it would be easy for me to rest on a year of life that saw me, I believe, tick more positive boxes than I could have in 2017 – but the reality is I just took a step in the right direction.

My plans for the year are many, most importantl­y be a better dad and husband by giving more genuine attention to those who really matter the most.

Next it’s about doing more to raise awareness for Prostate Cancer UK.

That will be uncomforta­ble for me as it will mean pushing myself to speak to strangers about the most personal of emotions – but I know that it will make a difference.

Finally, I want to prove that I can try harder in all the ultra marathon races and long-distance events I do.

That will mean sacrifice, more training, more preparatio­n – and more restraint in my diet.

Coming off the back of Christmas, none of those are easy.

The temptation for one more beer, packet of crisps, slice of toast etc is immense.

But that’s when I look back on what a special time I had this Christmas with my family – and realise those recent excesses should be treated as part of the special time and should not become the norm.

Allowing that to happen would diminish the value the last week has put into my life.

I hope you all had a great week – but find a way to do more that will benefit others in 2019.

Happy New Year.

Until next week,

I‘ll give more attention to those who really matter most – and try harder in all the events I do


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