Sunday Mirror

Relentless... it’s the one word that sums up Liverpool


HERE is the frightenin­g thing, here is the reason why the long wait will, more than likely, be over in less than five months’ time.

As good as they were while inflicting another humiliatio­n on another respected opponent, this was not Liverpool at their flawless best.

Sure, this crushing win will attract the superlativ­es because it was, indeed, hugely impressive.

But if fitness is relatively friendly over the second half of the season, there will be even more to come from a team that can currently be summed up in one word.

Relentless. Physical ly, technicall­y, imaginativ­ely, defensivel­y, creatively, relentless.

Oh, and they have Roberto Firmino back to his mischievou­s, no-looking best, which is nice.

Ahead of the game, dizzyingly streaks through whatever team Jurgen Klopp fields, a confidence undiluted by a rare setback such as Ainsley Maitl and- Ni l e s’ sliding conversion of Alex Iwobi’s cute cross. And it is a confidence built on the deep foundation­s of attacking potency.

The front three operate with the understand­ing and co-ordination normally reserved for a duo.

They have been known some formidable double- acts in these parts but this might eventually go down as the finest three-piece attacking orchestra seen here.

Arsenal, it has to be said, were a defensive shambles. Unai Emery might need time to establish his philosophy, or whatever they call it nowadays, but it is mightily difficult to even get a glimpse of what that philosophy might be. But every domestic team finds it incredibly hard to resist a Liverpool in this vein – and that will include Manchester City on Thursday. If punting on football is your thing and Liverpool remain oddsagains­t at the Etihad, lump on.

That orchestra is always going to hit a right note or two, particular­ly against Arsenal. Roberto Firmino’s first was fortunate but, fostered by the

 ??  ?? hoping for some festive cheer.Benitez gagged himself during the pre-match press conference ahead of the trip to the Hornets.He was attempting to divert questions about team planning, because he has yet to receive news about available funds.The Spaniard held meetings earlier this month with managing director Lee Charnley.They are waiting for any indication from Ashley as to whether he will be allowed to strengthen, but the billionair­e is currently out of the country.As a result, Benitez has had to put plans about a move for Leeds striker Kemar Roofe on the backburner.@andydunnmi­rror
hoping for some festive cheer.Benitez gagged himself during the pre-match press conference ahead of the trip to the Hornets.He was attempting to divert questions about team planning, because he has yet to receive news about available funds.The Spaniard held meetings earlier this month with managing director Lee Charnley.They are waiting for any indication from Ashley as to whether he will be allowed to strengthen, but the billionair­e is currently out of the country.As a result, Benitez has had to put plans about a move for Leeds striker Kemar Roofe on the backburner.@andydunnmi­rror
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