Sunday Mirror

Treecycle to give slugs the needle


Can I use my Christmas tree in the garden? It’s currently lying in the drive waiting to be taken away by the binmen. Adele, Stoke

Yes you can. Save fallen needles and spread them around your plants as a mulch to deter slugs and protect roots from any temperatur­e fluctuatio­ns.

Composting at home is a fantastic way to recycle household waste and put goodness back into your soil. It is eco-friendly and plants love it.

Start now and come next season, you will have a ready supply of free, perfectly proportion­ed compost, choc-full of nutrients to give your soil and plants a beautiful boost.

There are many different methods of composting. Compost heaps, which are piles of biodegrada­ble waste, work well in larger gardens that have the space for them and are easy to access.

Site your heap in a sunny or partially shaded position on soil or grass – this encourages worms to join the party and speed up the process.

Compost bins are good alternativ­es for smaller spaces and, unlike heaps, can be moved around.

They are available in wooden, plastic and tumbler styles.

Wooden compost bins are open to the air, which supports the composting process but can also make them a bit smelly.

Plastic bins are the opposite – they are covered up, which can slow down

You can use old fruit and veg, stale bread and coffee grounds

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