Sunday Mirror

BEING LOVED UP Karren Brady attacked my wife. But she’s hypocritic­al to remain on the payroll of Philip Green


hotels and an spas. And – though in great shape, as he showed frolicking on a beach with Nigo Nigora – he has planned ahead.

He is l leaving his business to his wife and children and a legacy to his charity Operation S Smile, which helps children childre with cleft palates.

“For my age I’m doing well,” he says, “but I say to my c children, ‘ When I’m gone this is what will be left for you and this is how it works.’ The will’s written. wri They all know what’s wh happening.

“That’s exactly why I married m Nigora – for the th tax reasons. There will w be no arguments over o money.

“My family aren’t greedy. They’re all a self-sufficient.”

Duncan adds: “I’m not obsessed with the business. Some of the Dragons are. When you see them that’s all they talk about. I have my company and my directors run it.

“I phone the office a couple of times a week. And that’s it.”

Duncan left Dragons’ Den in 2015 after 10 years and says it needs a refresh: “If I was the producer I’d start with five brand new dragons who’ve never met each other. And move it to BBC O ne. It’s a good concept but I think it could do better.”

Despite Brexit uncertaint­y, Duncan isn’t worried about his fortune.

“We might prosper with people going on staycation,” he says. “I hope Britain prospers.

“What I’m concerned about is the future of Great Britain. “We’re on the verge of a civil war. I think there will be riots on the street if the vote gets reversed. And No Deal is no better.”

Dragon’s Den needs 5 new faces. The show should be doing better DUNCAN ON VISION FOR BBC SERIES HE STARRED IN

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