Sunday Mirror


How star Rami cared for bruv after dad died

- BY HALINA WATTS Showbiz Editor

BOHEMIAN Rhapsody star Rami Malek has a Bafta and is set for a remarkable double at the Oscars, win or lose.

For joining him on the red carpet will be his twin Sami – the brother he has looked after since they lost their father.

Said Malek was an Egyptian immigrant who made a new life for his family in the US.

He died 13 years ago, robbed of seeing Rami’s extraordin­ary movie success as legendary Queen frontman Freddie Mercury.

And friends say the twins’ bond and their united presence at next weekend’s Oscars ceremony is a fitting tribute to their father.

Rami, 37, has expressed his brotherly love by buying teacher Sami a £2million mansion which they share in the Hollywood Hills.

Sami also has a flash car but he has a social conscience too – recently joining a demo demanding a better deal for schools.

A friend close to the twins said yesterday: “When their father died, they became a very tight knit group.

Their dad’s death hit the family hard... they are a very tight group PAL OF RAMI ON STAR’S DEVOTION TO HIS FOLKS


“His death really hit them hard and Rami really looked up to his dad, who always encouraged him to stay close to his family.”

Dad Said was a tour guide in Cairo before moving to LA. He sold insurance while Rami’s mother Nelly was an accountant. They wanted Rami to take up law or medicine but he chose the theatre – “because I am crazy and stubborn, as they would say”.

Rami – who has an older sister, a doctor – is a relative newcomer to UK fans but made a name in the US in the TV drama Mr Robot.

Bohemian Rhapsody won him the best actor award at this month’s Baftas – and at the Golden Globes. He is a hot Oscars tip and will share the glory with his family.

Another friend added: “Rami is an incredibly kind and generous man. He wants his family and friends to come on the journey with him. That’s just the type of guy he is.”

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