Sunday Mirror

Fab wife.. and it’s a wonderful life


WE all have dreams... sometimes they are pure undecipher­able fantasy, others may be hopes for the future – and of course, there are nightmares!

As you can imagine, with incurable cancer I have had my long term dreams obliterate­d and have many more nightmares than I used to.

But, and it is an important but, my short-term dreams have become more vibrant, understand­able, achievable and real.

I am still running ultra marathons around the world which I never even dreamt about before I was diagnosed.

And by surviving for more than double my shortest prognosis, I am truly living the dream today and every day.

This week my beautiful wife Sarah had a significan­t birthday, one that I never thought I could help plan and share.

It was an amazing weekend and just so good to see so many smiles and hear genuine laughter. It was wonderful to see the effort that so many others had put in to make sure they could share time with her and create a lasting memory for all.

Sarah’s brother and niece flew in from Canada, while many friends rearranged diaries to be there.

Then my daughter Hayley told me the dates for her graduation at Swansea University. It’s a few months away but, realistica­lly, I know I can be there. That is a dream – at one stage I did not even think I would see her start uni, let alone finish it.

I read so many sad stories in the news and hope that my words, and the knowledge that many never get to see dreams come true, inspire YOU.

Try to live some dreams in the near future – or make others come true.

What are you waiting for?

Until next week

I am living the dream every day, reaching milestones that I never expected to


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