Sunday Mirror

Learning to love a bug’s life


MANY of us are gardening with wildlife in mind – whether it be lavender for bees or creating bug hotels in a shady corner, we are all becoming more conscious of our mini-beast friends.

We all want to do our bit for the planet, but getting back to nature doesn’t only benefit wildlife, it can have a positive effect on us human beings.

Last year, Wychall primary School in Birmingham greened up their outdoor space and soon after, started spotting some positive changes.

Not only did they notice an increase in wildlife in their school garden, but also identified a transforma­tion in their pupils too. Many of the children had found coming into contact with nature difficult. They wouldn’t touch anything.

But after gradual exposure and plenty of chances to relax in the natural surroundin­gs, things began to change.

Gabrielle Jones, Assistant Head Teacher and Forest School, said: “We have seen such a huge change in their attitude towards nature, being outdoors and getting dirty. They’ve gone from not liking small creatures and dirt, to loving the mud and creative activities.”

This school found that when teachers lead by example it played a huge part in building the student’s confidence.

Gabrielle added: “It is important for staff to model engaging with nature, picking up insects and show them how to handle them sympatheti­cally.”

If you have stories about your school or community garden, make sure you enter the Cultivatio­n Street 2019 competitio­n, sponsored by Calliope® - visit cultivatio­

You can download apps to get your family talking and thinking about bees more, try apps like BeeID and visit bumblebeec­onserva to find out how to help and for more informatio­n about Bees’ Needs Week 2019.

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