Sunday Mirror



CORRIE star Sam Aston has told how he nearly let new bride Briony Gardner slip through his fingers after he dumped her when they were teenage sweetheart­s.

But Sam, 26, who has played the Street’s Chesney Brown for 16 years, was reunited by chance with yoga teacher Briony when both helped out at an acting school years later.

Speaking exclusivel­y to the Sunday Mirror Sam said: “Briony and I met when I was about 15 or 16.

“We talked through MSN messenger and then went on a date. We got together, but we were very young. I ended it – which she always likes to bring up.”

Sam blames the distance between their two homes for the relationsh­ip not getting started.

He said: “We lived quite far from each other and because we were so young, neither of us drove. We went to different schools and at weekends had different hobbies.

“I was in Corrie too, so I had filming. We just didn’t see enough of each other. We split, but there was nothing bitter about it.”


The pair were reunited during a chance meeting at the acting school.

Sam recalled: “Three or four years later we were both helping out at the same drama workshop, Carol Godby’s acting school, which is where I started as a youngster.

“I was teaching and Briony was in the room next door. I think she might have given me a funny look when I first walked in, but we soon got past that and straight away we got talking.

“We went for a meal that night at a country pub and that was it. We’ve been together ever since.”

The pair married at Stock Farm in Cheshire, joined by a host of Sam’s co- stars, including two of his closest pals – golf buddies Alan Halsall, 36, the Street’s Tyrone Dobbs, and Andrew Whyment, 38, who plays Kirk Sutherland.

Dolly-Rose Campbell, 32, who plays Chesney’s on-off girlfriend Gemma Winter, was also there to watch them wed.

Admitting that being married made him feel “a bit old”, Sam said: “We had the best day. The formality is there now. It feels very strange when I’m talking to someone and they ask what I’m up to.

“I usually say, just chilling out with my girlfriend. Now I have to say wife – that feels weird. It feels a bit old in a way. But it’s lovely.”

While the pair honeymoone­d in the Maldives after their May wedding, self-confessed home-bird

Sam admits he could not wait to get back to the grey drizzle of Manchester.

He said: “I hate being away from home more than a week. The Maldives was absolutely gorgeous but, within a week, I was ready to come home.

“That’s the person I am. I’ll get back, it’ll be absolutely lashing it down with rain, and I’m like, ‘Ahh, Manchester.’ I love it.”

Sam’s character Chesney has often been described as old before his time – and that is something he can relate to.

He said: “I’m a little bit like Chesney – I don’t like to take too many risks.

“I overthink things. Briony is very fearless – nothing seems to faze her. That helps me a lot. At times when

I’m nervous, no matter how big or small the worry, Briony knows how to pick me up.

“I’m a bit of a worrier. That’s a trait within my family. Briony’s not like that at all – she gives me the confidence to do things I wouldn’t normally. I’m very lucky to have her.”

Chesney’s screen girlfriend Gemma is currently pregnant with quadruplet­s, which means the Street will soon be packed with

babies. Rules for child actors mean that eight babies will play the four roles. As the youngest of nine children in real life, Sam says he feels prepared for the storyline. He said: “I’m sure it will be a challenge, but it will be good fun.

“Luckily I’m used to kids running around screaming everywhere. I’m used to chaos. And the difference is, it’s work. At the end of the day, we give them back to the parents.”

As for starting his own family with Briony, Sam says they want to enjoy being married first. He said: “I like the idea of a big family. I

 ??  ?? LIKE A FAMILY Sam and Briony joined by Corrie co-stars Brooke Vincent, Jennie McAlpine and Katie McGlynn YANG LOVE Sam and yoga teacher Briony get yin the mood on their honeymoon
LIKE A FAMILY Sam and Briony joined by Corrie co-stars Brooke Vincent, Jennie McAlpine and Katie McGlynn YANG LOVE Sam and yoga teacher Briony get yin the mood on their honeymoon

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