Sunday Mirror

Smacking of desperatio­n


Scotland is the first country in the UK to outlaw smacking – and well done for leading the way. I say leading the way, Sweden was the first country to ban it in 1979 and 57 states have followed their example.

I was smacked by my dad, and many people of my generation would get a wallop from their parents. Teachers would give you the belt or ruler too.

There’s no doubt it instilled discipline – but at what price? My overriding feeling when I was smacked was “why doesn’t my daddy love me?”

There isn’t a spectrum on smacking – you either do it or you don’t. In 2019, it feels wrong. Your kids should not be terrified of you.

If you really want to keep them in line, hit them where it really hurts. A week-long internet ban should do it.

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