Sunday Mirror

Our PM is scarily out of the loop


Boris Johnson promised he would be the “People’s Prime Minister”.

But as the world tumbles towards another destructiv­e conflict in the Gulf, he’s nowhere to be seen.

Since Boxing Day he’s been enjoying the lavish surroundin­gs of a private Caribbean isle.

When he finally found out about Donald Trump’s air strike killing Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, it’s claimed he uttered a very rude word. But last night, that rude word was all we’d heard on the crisis from the “people’s Prime Minister”.

There has been no statement. No meetings of the Cabinet’s COBRA committee.

He didn’t even rush home from his holiday as tensions flared in the Middle East.

As long as Trump sits in the Oval Office, the safety of the world is subject to the whims of an unstable man.

In 2015, world leaders worked together on a deal to tame Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

And it looked like it was working. For a while, Iran was on its way to behaving like a member of the internatio­nal community.

But almost as soon as President Trump took office, the deal was effectivel­y torn up.

To his credit, Mr Johnson tried to bring the President back to the UN table last year. He failed, though – leaving the region, as Jeremy Hunt says, playing an “incredibly dangerous game of chicken”.

This is no time for the PM to be soaking up the sun – while the US President’s reckless actions have put our forces in the Middle East in danger.

At times like these, Britain needs a Prime Minister who turns up, not one who chooses a Caribbean getaway over his responsibi­lities.

COMMUTERS will be understand­ably furious that a failed train boss was given an £84,000 golden goodbye.

And the six-figure salaries enjoyed by those who run our railways will be a slap in the face to cash-strapped travellers.

With prices hiked every year and almost a third of trains running late, bosses accepting these kinds of sums seem hopelessly out of touch. It’s no wonder one of Labour’s most popular policies ahead of the election was to sack the lot of them and bring trains back into public ownership.

BAYWATCH star David Hasselhoff is househunti­ng – and has set his heart on a farm near the English-Welsh border.

He wants to swap sun-kissed California for the country life surrounded by sheep and meadows with his Wales-born wife Hayley.

We can’t think of a better place for the Hoff to set up home. But it’s probably best if he doesn’t run around the hills in those bright red lifeguard’s budgie-smugglers...

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