Sunday Mirror

Corrie on plugging

Ban on stars endorsing products axed


CORONATION Street bosses have relaxed their ban on stars sharing endorsemen­ts for goods and services on social media.

It comes amid fears of an exodus of actors angry they cannot sign lucrative deals in exchange for an online thumbs-up.

We revealed how Jack P Shepherd, who plays David Platt,was fined for promoting a hair transplant on Instagram.

A Corrie source said: “It had been a long-standing bone of contention.

“The cast have been told they can now plug stuff they’ve been gifted or got a discount on – but they need to run things past bosses first.

“The news has been a long time coming but has gone down well.”

Stars are still banned from endorsemen­ts which would compromise the show’s existing commercial tie-ups.

It is claimed the change is an attempt to stop stars leaving – Corrie has seen a number of a departures over the past year, including Kym Marsh and Lucy Fallon. Jack, 32 – whose salary is £250,000 a year

– released a video about his hair procedure at a Manchester clinic. Dad-of-three Jack had 3,000 separate implants into his scalp after suffering dramatic hair-loss.

A source at the time said: “Jack got a real dressing-down. He was told he was being fined. It was a couple of thousand.”

Last week he shared before-and-after snaps on Instagram.

Stars’ social media posts with apparent product placement were still online yesterday. Sources said an “informal” change had ended reprimands.

But Corrie said: “Rules surroundin­g gifting and endorsemen­t remain the same.”

 ??  ?? BALD MOVE Jack plugs transplant company
BALD MOVE Jack plugs transplant company

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