Sunday Mirror

Beat racism with staying power

- Lovely Linda Robson has been missing from our Loose Women line-up for a year but she was back this week to bravely talk about her struggles. She’d given up wine and lost weight and everyone thought she was well, but behind closed doors she had depression

While Meghan and Harry are typing in “Canada” and “no maximum rooms” on estate agent websites, we’re left searching for the real reason they are leaving us. And racism is the prime suspect.

The Royal Family couldn’t get more white and there is no doubt Meghan had some horrible racist stuff thrown her way.

Harry spoke of the racial undertones and “outright racism” on social media and online article comments. All that talk of her “exotic DNA” and chimp photos.

Many royalists seem to think Meghan should be grateful she was allowed to join in the first place.

I have had to deal with my share of racism. I know I’ve had to work harder than others to get the same rewards.

But I refused to be a victim. I was born in the 70s and grew up in the 80s and 90s. Racism was in your face – it was acceptable to call me a “p***” to my face, even at work.

But I didn’t quit, run away and just drop my responsibi­lities. I had bills to pay.

The best way to deal with ignorant people is to stick it out, not run, show them your ability and change their opinion. But it is hard.

I also have to accept that as a woman of colour, someone may not like me because I’m a woman and opinionate­d. Nothing to do with the colour of my skin.

Not all Meghan’s critics are racist.

If Harry’s new wife had been a Kate clone, but had dared to be different in other ways, she would be stirring up a hornet’s nest too.

But I have been called a racist for daring to say this might not be a race issue. I’ve been labelled “flaky” and “naive” and I am saying it to keep my “white masters happy”.

That because I’m not black, I cannot understand what a mixedrace woman like Meghan would be going through.

Really? I’d call that racist.

And firing back that because someone is “white and privileged” they don’t get it, well that’s racist too. That’s what happened to actor Laurence Fox on Question Time this week when he waded into the Sussex debate.

He claims we are the most

“tolerant, lovely country” in Europe. But I say this generation is facing a different kind of prejudice – more subtle than when I grew up.

It’s called microaggre­ssion and it has crept into our lives and conversati­ons – everyday offensive comments directed at a minority group.

I get it all the time. The “where are you

from?” awkward stuff.

This is what racism in 2020 looks, feels and sounds like.

So it is not about white on black, it is about everyone being honest and examining the language they use to address someone who is different to them.

And if we call it out straight away, then we can work towards being a truly more tolerant, lovely society.

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Selfie with David
 ??  ?? BLAME GAME Meghan and Harry
BLAME GAME Meghan and Harry

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