Sunday Mirror

Use your confidence to help other people


Confidence usually comes either from experience or a personal trait within. We all remember the kid at school who was happy to speak up about anything or took on something that maybe scared the pants off us, can’t we?

There were times when I was happy to stand up and be counted but other things that I always shied away from, like public speaking.

Then I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and that put everything into perspectiv­e for me.

Realising that I am mortal and on borrowed time has given me the strength over the past few years to stand up and speak to literally thousands of people, to speak out for what I think is right and take on some incredible physical challenges.

A friend of mine, Frank, used to be a confident man but when he was diagnosed with cancer, it really knocked him for six.

He told me that he stopped running in case something happened, so this year we have started running together.

We’re just doing short distances as he is recovering from a major operation, but the change in him in just a few weeks is noticeable.

To me, the opportunit­y to have an extra run is a welcome one and helping someone else along the way is an added bonus.

If you find you have lost, or maybe never had confidence in any area, please be open to opportunit­ies to join in where appropriat­e as it could make all the difference – both to you, and the person that helped you find it.

If you are already confident, seek an opportunit­y to use it as a force for good.

Until next week,


The positive change in my friend after just a few weeks of running with me is noticeable

 ??  ?? FRIENDS After a run with Frank
FRIENDS After a run with Frank

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