Sunday Mirror

Be a keep-fit cheater


We all know what it takes to be healthy and happy – a balanced diet, exercise, cutting back on drinking and smoking and proper sleep.

Yet for millions of Brits, achieving a healthy lifestyle is easier said than done.

A lack of willpower, lack of time and lack of results can leave you feeling defeated and deflated.

But if you’re stuck in a postlockdo­wn rut, there are some quick and simple cheats that will get your body and mind working for you, not against you.

With the help of some clever tips and tricks, you can fast-track results in everything, from fitness and diet to blood pressure and eye health.


Blackcurra­nts are bursting with anthocyani­ns – powerful antioxidan­ts which have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

But now scientists at Liverpool John Moores University have discovered that taking a blackcurra­nt extract called CurraNZ for eight days will have the same impact on your blood sugars as four weeks of regular exercise.

Their study also found the extract improved insulin sensitivit­y by 22 per cent and reduced sugar spikes after meals. C-reactive protein – a marker for unhealthy inflammati­on – was also cut by 24 per cent.

Dr Sam Shepherd, a senior lecturer in sport and exercise nutrition, said: “Studies looking at exercise training have shown a 15 to 25 per cent improvemen­t over four to six weeks.”

The CurraNZ extract contains anthocyani­ns extracted from New Zealand blackcurra­nts, which have the world’s highest levels of these antioxidan­ts.

A daily dose of 600mg is the equivalent of several handfuls of the fruit.


If you don’t have time for hours in the gym, try short bursts of highintens­ity activity instead.

Scientists found that 79 per cent of couch potatoes who tried HIIT – high intensity interval training – stuck with it. Matthew

Stork, from the school of Health and Exercise Science at the University of British Columbia, said: “The number one cited barrier to physical activity is a perceived lack of time. But as little as ten minutes of HIIT, three times per week, can give meaningful health benefits.”


Eating specific combinatio­ns of foods increases absorption of the nutrients they contain.

For example, Vitamin C boosts iron absorption so it’s a good idea to drink orange juice when you’re eating iron-rich foods, such as red meat or spinach.

And forget about going fat-free. Vitamins A, D, E and K are all absorbed more readily when eaten with a small amount of fat – so add some oil-based dressing to boost the benefits of a salad.

Vitamin D, which increases the body’s uptake of bone-strengthen­ing calcium, is found in oily fish, eggs and fortified foods so make sure you add plenty of those to your diet, too.


Listen up! You can exercise harder and for longer if you work out to some music.

Patients taking tough cardiac stress tests – which involved running on a treadmill as the speed and slope increased – kept going for almost a minute longer when they did it to an upbeat soundtrack.

And, according to the study at Texas Tech University, that’s enough time to make a difference.

Lead researcher Dr Waseem Shami said: “After six minutes, you

feel like you’re running up a mountain, so being able to go on for 50 seconds longer means a lot.”


Using the muscles across your ribs to breathe results in shallow breaths, so start using your stomach muscles to draw air more deeply into the lungs.

Breathing from the diaphragm is taught in yoga, tai chi and pilates.

It pushes more oxygen into the bloodstrea­m and benefits include a slower heart-rate, lower blood pressure, lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol and better concentrat­ion.


Staring at a screen for hours on end can leave your eyes feeling tired and dry and there’s evidence it increases your odds of becoming short-sighted.

But researcher­s at Reading University have discovered a really simple trick to improve focus and reduce eye strain – just stare at the end of your nose every 20 minutes or so.

The study looked at several different techniques but Dr Anna Horwood, said: “Looking at the end of your nose proved significan­tly more effective than complex methods traditiona­lly thought to be better.” There are also some other simple ways to avoid the symptoms of screen strain.

Dr Horwood said: “If you experience headaches, tired eyes or blurred vision, take regular short breaks, shut your eyes or look out of the window.”


Be a regular drinker! Because alcohol is bad for our brains, our bodies produce an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogen­ase to break it down.

But if you have a tipple at the same time of day, the body learns this routine and ramps up production of the enzyme to limit the damage. Prof

CALL TIME Regular drink

habit is best

Robert Pickard, from Cardiff University, says: “The person who is most at risk is the person who has the most erratic drinking style.”


Sitting is the new smoking, with studies showing that being seated for long periods escalates ageing and increases the risk of an early death.

But it’s not just the number of hours which count, it’s how often you stand, scientists at Columbia University say.

The good news is that standing up every 30 minutes can halve the risk of an early death.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? DIET Get a blackcurra­nt boost & drink juice with meat and spinach
DIET Get a blackcurra­nt boost & drink juice with meat and spinach
 ??  ?? GOOD SOUND You’ll work out better to music
INTENSE Try HIIT for better staying power
TIP Stare at end of nose to
avoid strain
GOOD SOUND You’ll work out better to music INTENSE Try HIIT for better staying power TIP Stare at end of nose to avoid strain

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