Sunday Mirror

WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT... fussy eaters?


Children often go through a phase of being fussy eaters.

“Look at what your child likes to eat and see if you can leverage this,” says Kate Delmar-Morgan, nutritiona­l therapist for the Institute for Optimum Nutrition (

“For example, if they like pasta sauce, blend in extra veggies.

“Or if there are certain textures they like, get creative. Make vegetables crunchy by making carrot crisps or sweet potato fries.”

Keep meal times as calm as possible.

“Don’t make a big deal when plans don’t go well and keep the kitchen table a happy, positive space.

“Keep serving up new foods and cook them in different ways as you might find they love something unexpected. Try mixing or diluting a food they like with a more nutritious version, for example cereal and jumbo oats, gradually increasing the amount of the healthier option.”

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