Sunday Mirror

Baby we were born to iron...

Bruce says songs ideal for housework

- BY HALINA WATTS Showbiz Editor halina.watts@ sundaymirr­

The singer loves people dancing to classics like Born to Run, but is just as happy if they listen while doing chores.

Bruce, 71, said: “I want people to do their laundry to my music.

He added: “I want people to vacuum floors to my music, to diaper their babies to my music.”

The Boss, who has sold more than 150 million records, also hopes fans enjoy a deeper experience by listening to his lyrics.

“I try to insert something that can, in certain moments, address your inner life by revealing my own,” he said.

“To be a spiritual tual songwriter means you

Bruce ce are primarily addressing the soul of your listeners. I would say I am a good storytelle­r and people like stories that connect to your emotional life.”

Despite his iconic status, Bruce admits he is a bigger hit in Europe than in his home country.

He said: “Europeans are interested in America and myth, those stories I have told since I was a young man.” And he feels his obsessive devotion to music as a teenager helped him became a global star.

“I really studied and perfected my writing skills very, very intensely. I was a onetrack mind,” he said. “Before anything – before work, girls – I was always music, music, music, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

creation of Islamic State of Iraq (ISI). Abu

Omar al-Baghdadi is leader.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi becomes leader after Abu Omar al-Baghdadi is killed.

Creation of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – ISIL or more commonly known as Islamic State in al-Sham – ISIS.

Al-Qaeda has had enough of ISIS and renounces

the group because it is murdering Shia Muslims and civilians.

JUNE 2104 Baghdadi declares the Islamic State caliphate is born, making him the so-called authority over the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims.


ISIS attacks the Yazidi town of Sinjar, killing up to 4,000 and taking many women and children as slaves.

AUGUST 2014 ISIS posts a video of the beheading of US journalist

James Foley, 40, by British terrorist Mohammed Emwazi – dubbed Jihadi John.

OCTOBER 2014 Beheading of Brit aid volunteer Alan Henning, 47.

US begins

airstrikes against ISIS in Syria. FEBRUARY 2015 ISIS releases video of a downed Jordanian pilot being burned alive.

OCTOBER 2015 US and UK begin sending more special

forces into the region against ISIS. NOVEMBER 2016 Beheading of US aid worker Peter Kassig, 26. DECEMBER 2017 Iraqi and Kurdish forces drive ISIS out of its towns and announce victory.

MARCH 2019

Last ISIS enclave, in Bargouz, is purged by Syrian army. OCTOBER 2019 Al-Baghdadi killed by US special forces in Syria. ISIS fighters are estimated to have killed 15,000 in seven years.

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