Sunday Mirror

Nurse ‘says she lied’ over final hours check-up


A NURSE looking after Diego Maradona yesterday reportedly admitted she lied about giving him a check-up on the day he died of a heart attack.

The revelation has added to mystery surroundin­g his final hours.

It comes amid claims his life could have been saved – and also that health chiefs thought he may have been murdered.

Nurses had been caring for him at his home after a brain blood clot op.

In a report for medical firm Medidom, the nurse on night duty said at 6.30am he checked the star, who was breathing normally.

A colleague who took over said she heard him use the toilet at 7.30, but did not enter his room. She also at first said she tried to check his vital signs at 9.20 am, but he refused. However she later told investigat­ors she did not enter his room at all that morning. She is said to have claimed she was “made to lie” for the report.

Investigat­ors said: “The witness added... she was made to write in a report she’d tried to monitor Maradona’s vital signs when the reality is she let him rest.” Medidom has not responded to the claims. The nurse said she saw him at noon when he was near death and gave him heart massage and mouth-to-mouth.

It was also reported health chiefs told the first doctors to reach the house: “Call the police. We don’t want another Garcia Belsunce case.”

It was a reference to the unsolved murder of a sociologis­t whose death was initially treated as an accident when her body was found in a bath.

State prosecutor­s are now analysing CCTV footage and nurses’ mobile phones – but they have already insisted the star died of natural causes.

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