Sunday Mirror

It’s no choke, Ricky

Smoothie nearly gave Gervais a tragic blending


Ricky Gervais

nearly went to the

After Life after choking on a smoothie.

The comic collapsed on the floor and struggled to breathe – sending his long-term partner Jane Fallon into a panic.

Ricky, 59 – who plays a suicidal widower in the Netflix smash – explains: “I was just going down to the hotel to film After Life and I had a smoothie.

“I must have coughed or breathed, and then I couldn’t breathe. I started choking and I couldn’t breathe and my throat closed up and I went on the floor.

“Jane was worried – and then eventually I got a little bit of air in.

“It was f*****g horrible. I thought I was s going to die. That’s s the closest I’ve come to dying… ng… and it was drinking – drinking a smoothie.”

But Ricky has not been put off smoothies and says they will constitute te his entire diet as he ages. es.

He adds: “I think nk smoothies are the he future for when n my teeth fall out t because I can’t be bothered ered going to the dentist, or I just get bored ed of eating s**t and there’s nothing thing left to eat.”

The comedian constantly stantly dwells on his death, recently revealing he wants his epitaph to read: “He was fat and he was funny… and then he died.”

He said he wants to die peacefully in his sleep “stuffed with food and nd wine”.

Ricky adds: “I think you u could do a lot worse than have that as your our legacy – I’d be very happy with that.

“‘He was fat and he was s funny and then he died.’ That’s brilliant. ant. “That That’s s all they need needd to tot say on the news news, , ‘ RRicky Ricky Gervais, the thee comecoomed­ian who creeated created The Office and andad After Life, has died diied peacefully, in beed, bed, stuffed full of food annd and wwine. wine.

“HeH He was fat and funny funnnyy and will be mmisssed missed by some ppeoople.” people.” Sounds l ikke ike a good ending ennding to me.

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 ??  ?? PANIC Comic Ricky with partner Jane
PANIC Comic Ricky with partner Jane

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