Sunday Mirror

Let’s all have a jab at keeping healthy

- Until next week Kev

From all I’ve read about the Covid vaccine, having the jab is a no-brainer.

I had my first one 12 weeks ago. I wasn’t worried about it before or afterwards and it was definitely the right thing to do, although I did feel a bit grim the following day. This week, I had my second jab.

Meantime, I was surprised to read that some people are still pushing the conspiracy theory idea. Surely there is enough evidence from the too many sad deaths and hospitalis­ations from Covid which far outweigh anything the doubters have to say?

What was pleasing for me, as someone who wants to get our country open again as soon as possible, was the age range of others in the queue to get their jab.

It’s only when the majority of us are inoculated that normality and certainty will resume.

Both young and old were waiting, so clearly the message is getting through to many.

Like the first time, my second jab didn’t hurt at the time, but the morning after

I felt a bit rubbish.

Do you know what I did though? I did the same as I did the first day after chemothera­py, and went for a run. Just like that day, it was somewhat harder than before my treatment, but when I got home I was so happy I’d been out.

So much of life is a mental battle and it’s easy to let negative thoughts overtake what actually is very possible.

The second day after the jab I went running again. It wouldn’t surprise me if exercise helps you get through any bad side effects of the jab, just as it does for so many other things.

I hope you too will exercise in whatever way you can to beat any discomfort or blues. The current weather certainly inspires us all to get outside.

Beat any discomfort or the blues with your choice of exercise

 ??  ?? MAKING A POINT Kevin
gets his second jab
MAKING A POINT Kevin gets his second jab

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