Sunday Mirror

JOBS for the week


Throw on a jacket, woolly hat and gloves and step out into the garden. There’s plenty of winter debris to be cleared up – remove twigs and leaves from ponds, lawns and beds. Wash down patios to clean up and make sure drains aren’t blocked with leaves and twigs.

Inject a little colour into your pots and containers with some winter pansies and primulas.

Dead head winter flowering heathers as the flowers start to go brown.

Prune autumn-fruiting raspberrie­s right down to ground level.

In the greenhouse, take dahlia tubers out of storage and coax into growth in a

light, warm place. You can also get overwinter­ing fuchsias back into growth by repotting, watering and feeding. Early seedlings in the glasshouse will crane their heads towards the little available light so be sure to turn them round to enable each side to get the light.

Order onion sets to be ready for spring planting.

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