Sunday Mirror


Au/Ra’s new single, plz don’t waste my youth, is out now.


What’s the most embarrassi­ng thing that’s ever happened to you?

Well, I once had an allergic reaction to pineapple at school, and I projectile­vomited from the classroom all the way to the bathroom.

What’s your funniest celebrity encounter?

I was recording something for a Sony project once and was walking around a bit, exploring, when suddenly I pass this guy who smiles at me and says, “Nice hair, kiddo!” I said, “Thanks!” It only hit me after that it was Adam Sandler. My dad was extremely jealous. Tell me a secret. I have an obsession with pickles. Specifical­ly the German ones. What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?

I’m really bad at spending money. I would say probably my phone is the most expensive thing.

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