Sunday Mirror

Diary of epic trip



William and Natasha Heylend left Winchester at 9am and drove 36 hours straight to the Moldovan border with Ukraine via the Eurotunnel.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Arrived at the Moldovan border at 11pm where they used the Geozilla app to track niece. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Picked up their niece at 2am. Next morning they drove to the farm of Will’s relation in Romania.


Travelled across the Romanian/ Hungarian border to a hotel on the border with Slovenia.


Cut across Slovenia and into Germany, then Belgium, arriving in Brussels at 11pm. THURSDAY, MARCH 3

At the visa applicatio­n centre. THURSDAY-MONDAY AM Stayed in Brussels with a friend of a friend waiting for visa. MONDAY, MARCH 7

Headed to Calais but at UK border were told to go back to the visa applicatio­n center.

Held at border for two hours. SINCE TUESDAY, MARCH 8 Went to the visa center in Paris. Staying in an Airbnb waiting for visa to be approved.

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