Sunday Mirror

WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT... preventing headaches?


“Fortunatel­y, there are several ways headaches can be eased, treated and even prevented,” says GP Dr Earim Chaudry, of Manual (

“Many may not realise that having poor posture can trigger headaches.

“Tension in your upper back, neck and shoulders can lead to a headache and typically, the pain throbs in the base of the skull and sometimes flashes into the face. You want to avoid slumped shoulders, sitting in one position for a long period, and to reduce headaches, take short, regular walks.”

Ensuring you eat regular meals will prevent blood sugar levels from dropping, which is another trigger.

“If you find you are affected by prolonged screen time, blue-light blocking products such as eyewear and screen protectors will help to reduce symptoms,” Dr Chaudry adds.

Processed foods that contain nitrates, aged cheeses, pickled and fermented foods, salty foods, caffeine, alcohol, chocolate and artificial sweeteners can also contribute to migraines.

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