Sunday Mirror

Laburnum is the most powerful yellow blossom you’ll see during spring


Yellow blossoms light up the suburbs during springtime. I’m thinking of daffodils and forsythia, primroses and acacia, broom and in my part of the world, acres of wild gorse, Ulex europaeus.

Gorse, also sometimes known as furze or whin, seems to be in flower nearly all year round but really peaks in late spring, the pea-like flowers emitting a delicious coconut scent.

It’s not really suitable as a garden plant since it’s quite invasive, but it is beneficial to wildlife with its early nectar.

Perhaps the most striking yellow spring flower belongs to the Laburnum tree. Sometimes this is known as the Golden Rain Tree, a poetic and beautiful descriptio­n of this tree when it is dripping with large bunches of golden yellow pea-like flowers.

It makes a lovely specimen tree for the garden, being elegant in shape and doesn’t grow too tall. It can also be

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