Sunday Mirror

Cameron hails £150m boost in crusade to beat dementia


And quite apart from the emotional pain, DAVID Cameron has persuaded the Tories and I see that with my mother, who is in to double funding into dementia research her late 80s, think of the cost.

– and insists the condition can be beaten. “This is now costing more than stroke,

The former PM, whose mum Mary has more than heart disease, more than Alzheimer’s, hailed a cancer. We’re only going to £150million-a-year boost. crack this through scientists.”

Addressing scientists, he He was speaking at an said: “Last week I met the event at the Silverston­e Health Secretary and can Interactiv­e Museum, held by reveal exclusivel­y that he said F1 legend Sir Jackie Stewart’s they were going to have a charity Race Against

Cam & mum Mary

10-year dementia strategy Dementia. Sir Jackie, 83 – and double money going into research. whose wife Helen has dementia – said:

“We’re a country of 60 million people “It’s a very small area of speciality that is and soon we’re going to have one million going to in the end get this done and people tipping into this world of darkness. break through. For sure it’ll happen.”

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