Sunday Mirror

Storm over job for sex quiz cop

Detective who harassed female staff sent to work at abuse unit

- BY GERALDINE MCKELVIE Investigat­ions Editor


A SENIOR police officer who sexually harassed five junior colleagues avoided the sack and was posted to a unit that deals with abuse victims.

West Mercia Police received a string of complaints about Detective Inspector Craig Smith for “acting inappropri­ately” towards female staff – including three tips from Crimestopp­ers.

But after a misconduct probe found he had caused “physical, emotional and sexual harm” he was let off with a final written warning and quietly transferre­d.

We understand he was moved from his post in Telford, Shrops, to a CID department in Shrewsbury, which handles a large volume of sexual abuse cases.

A source now reveals that one victim – a detective constable who says Smith sexually assaulted her – is taking the force to an employment tribunal.

She had months off work with stressrela­ted illnesses after reporting Smith. Friends say it left her broken.

A source said: “People are asking, ‘How can we seriously have this guy investigat­ing complaints of sexual abuse?’”

Police misogyny was thrust into the spotlight after Met officer Wayne Couzens raped and murdered Sarah Everard, 33.

Texts between the killer and colleagues, joking about domestic abuse and rape, were found during the probe into the 2021 murder for which Couzens is serving a whole life sentence.

It also emerged hundreds of officers across the UK had faced sexual misconduct allegation­s.

The complaints about Smith related to social media messages or his behaviour on nights out.

After one such incident, the detective constable reported him and a misconduct probe was launched into claims of “sexualised behaviour that could be considered an abuse of position”. It was ruled her allegation­s did not meet the threshold for a criminal investigat­ion, but they sparked the misconduct probe.

Superinten­dent James Baker, who led it, said he noted similariti­es in reports from five of Smith’s female colleagues.

In his July 2020 report, he said Smith’s conduct had “resulted in physical, emotional and sexual harm to female colleagues who were junior in rank”. Misconduct was found but Supt Baker also noted Smith was a “strong performer at work”. The final written warning was valid for 18 months, so Smith’s record is now wiped clean.

West Mercia Police confirmed the misconduct probe took place but declined to comment further as: “There are currently connected legal proceeding­s ongoing.”

How can this guy investigat­e complaints of sexual abuse?


 ?? ?? PROBE LET-OFF Det Insp Craig Smith enjoys pint
PROBE LET-OFF Det Insp Craig Smith enjoys pint

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