Sunday Mirror

Make more time for trips of a lifetime


This week I have been lucky enough to have a family holiday at my brother-inlaw’s house in Charleston, US.

It’s probably the first time I can remember where I have felt totally relaxed and chilled, not the usual Kevin who wants to be out and about every day otherwise getting restless.

That said, I have, of course, been running most days (it’s hot and humid so “feels like” 45C). But I’ve also been watching baseball and done a few touristy bits, including a must-do visit to the massive aircraft carrier USS Yorktown, famous among other things for being used in the Second World War, being part of the recovery team for the Apollo 8, and featuring in the classic film Tora! Tora! Tora! bizarrely used as a Japanese ship.

Most of the time, however, has been spent relaxing by the pool, walking on the beach (even building sandcastle­s!), reading the excellent What’s Next Sir book by my friend Steve Hill MBE, and reflecting on how lucky I am just to be here.

Sitting in the house I recall it was eight years ago to the day when I was in the same place and started getting up in the night for a wee. I thought nothing of it but returned home thinking I would live into my 80s to being told that I may be dead in two years from prostate cancer.

It’s why I am taking part in all four days of the Prostate Cancer UK Football Marches I wrote about

ant others to suffer the e. ave bust the budget

ut with my youngest y never get to go away n so I think it was worth

like me you too take unities in life when you ecause circumstan­ces change in a heartbeat.

want you all to share of my mantras, “Never

te a new regret”. ntil next week, Kev

 ?? ?? MUST-SEE Kev at USS
MUST-SEE Kev at USS Yorktown
 ?? ?? TIME OUT Holiday reading
TIME OUT Holiday reading
 ?? ?? CHILLING Kev & family
CHILLING Kev & family

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