Sunday Mirror

Black bean & chilli enchiladas


½ mug of basmati rice

1 mug of water for the rice, plus 25ml for the tortillas ½ red onion, sliced

1 tsp cumin seeds

100g black beans (from a 400g tin), drained

½ red chilli, sliced

Small handful of chopped coriander

40g plain flour

Splash of tomato passata Small handful of grated Cheddar cheese

Olive oil

Salt and pepper 1

Start by putting the rice and the mug of water in a saucepan and simmering over a medium heat with the lid on for about 7 minutes until all the water has been absorbed and the rice is cooked. Remove from the heat and fluff with a fork.


Meanwhile, pan-fry the onion in a splash of olive oil over a medium heat for a few minutes before adding the cumin seeds. Continue frying for a minute then add the black beans and sliced chilli. Season with salt and pepper and continue to fry for a few more minutes before removing from the heat and adding the chopped coriander.


Make the tortillas by mixing the flour with the 25ml of water and a pinch of salt in a bowl. Knead on a floured worktop until smooth, then cut into 2 balls. Using a rolling pin, roll each ball into a circle approximat­ely 15cm in diameter. Heat a dry frying pan over a high heat, place the tortillas, one at a time, in the pan and cook for about 5 seconds on each side.


Preheat the grill to high. Spoon half the rice and half the beans down the centre of each tortilla, then roll up and place in an ovenproof dish. Top with a splash of tomato passata, add a pinch each of salt and pepper and then sprinkle over the grated Cheddar. 5 Cook for about 7 minutes under the grill until the cheese is melted, then serve.

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