Sunday Mirror

Yoko screamed on seeing me, says Lennon lookalike

- Tribute Gary

BEATLING ABOUT Yoko, right, relaxes with John & bandmates

TRIBUTE act Gary Gibson is such a dead ringer for John Lennon that Yoko Ono, Elton John and Tom Jones couldn’t handle seeing him.

The 68-year-old singer reveals he so closely resembles the star that people get emotional.

Gary, who has been to 49 countries through his job as the self-styled “number one John Lennon tribute act”, was in New York in 1985, five years after Lennon’s murder, for the Beatlefest event.

He says: “We were visiting the Dakota building and standing opposite the archway where John was shot when we saw Yoko walking on her own.

“She started to cross the road and when she saw me she turned white.

“As she walked past me I said, ‘Hello, Yoko’, and she screamed, ‘No, no, no!’”

Days earlier

Gary had met

Elton John when he and his band, The

Cavern, performed at a party for jockey

Steve Cauthen.

Gary, who earned up to £1,000 a gig, recalls: “Elton was guest of honour. He

UNCANNY got up on stage as we were performing and said, ‘Let’s sing I Saw Her Standing There’. It was the last song he played with John Lennon.

“Afterwards, he told me, ‘You look so much like

John, it’s uncanny. You must be related’.

“He had tears in his eyes. They were obviously close.”

Welsh crooner Tom Jones was similarly shocked when the pair met at a private function in Canada in 1990.

Now retired, Gary, from Preston, Lancs, says: “Tom said he thought he’d seen a ghost when he first saw me.

“We got on well and from then on I used to fly out to Las Vegas twice a year to watch him perform.”

Over a drink, the Delilah singer shared with him the story of how he met Lennon. Gary recalls: “John was on Thank Your Lucky Stars when the announcer said, ‘On the show tonight we have Tom Jones’, and the audience screamed.

“John shouted, ‘Aaah! Jones, you Welsh p**f!’ and Tom replied, ‘Come over here, I’ll show you who’s a p**f’.”

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