Sunday People

Taken on suspicious family’s hidden camera


problem and hit on the idea of secreting a camera in Bridie’s room. After an internet search, they chose a £120 clock with a camera hidden inside the case.

Veronica recalled: “I never told anyone except a couple of family because I wanted people to act as naturally as possible.

“Staff eventually found the camera – but by that point we had everything we needed to prove what was happening.

By now it was December. Veronica showed care home bosses her video evidence and police were called in. Bello was arrested and charged the same day.

This July the nurse, of Romford, Essex, admitted wilful neglect and was jailed for four months by a judge at Snaresbroo­k Crown Court.

Bridie was moved to another care home where, sadly, she died in May.

Her family are convinced her treatment at Mary Seacole contribute­d to her death.

Veronica said: “She died off pneumonia butt really she gave up. She told me she was ready to go.

“I remember how she looked at me one day. It was on the anniversar­y of my father’s death on April 17. She said, ‘I’m not going to be here for much longer’. Less than a month later she was dead.

“The second care home she was in was lovely but she had become wary of people. The trust had gone. gone.” Donn Donna added: “We’ve a all become aware e elderly people are often not treated the way humans s should be.”

The family are c campaignin­g for CCTV to be installed in all care homes and have started a Government e-petition, which so far has 20,000 signatures.

Mark Purcell, spokesman for the Homerton Trust, said: “It was brought to the attention of the home manager that the family thought there was something going on due to bruising on the patient’s arm.

“Initially a doctor couldn’t see if there was an issue but the family put a camera into the room and immediate action was taken against the individual concerned.

“What she did was appalling and will not be tolerated. We have reiterated to all our staff our values, to remind them we are about caring. We’ve reviewed our procedures in relation to the way staff interact with patients.”

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ORDEAL: Nurse threatens Bridie
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