Sunday People

Sugar to spice up race

Let’s have mayoral battle with Brady Shuffle kerfuffle


JUST weeks after Boris Johnson had started his first term as London mayor in the summer of 2008, Labour began hunting for a strong candidate to take him on next time round.

Quite apart from anything else, we needed a realistic alternativ­e to block Ken Livingston­e from standing again.

In my role as a No10 spin doctor, I hinted to one newspaper we were looking at Alan Sugar – and that became their frontpage headline the following day.

I got an urgent message that the star of The Apprentice was furious and wanted the story killed.

I duly issued a statement saying the rumours were nonsense and he was not a realistic candidate.


A second message came through. Sir Alan was now even more furious. Were we suggesting he wasn’t up to the job?

As Oscar Wilde said, only one thing’s worse than being talked about and that’s not being talked about.

Six years on, Sir Alan is now Lord Sugar and Labour and the Tories are both hunting for fresh mayoral candidates for 2016 – assuming that Boris has had enough by then and returned to Parliament.

Tory big- wigs are desperate to persuade one of their major stars to stand: Lord Sebastian Coe, British hero and darling of the 2012 Olympics, or Karren Brady, business leader and female role model.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see Lord Coe’s former judo partner William Hague added to that wish-list. He is always more popular in London than in his native north and will be free from next May.

Like Boris and Ken, what Coe, Brady and Hague have in common is a natural charisma that transcends politics and appeals to voters of all stripes.

If that was the line-up on Graham Norton’s sofa I would tune in, Tories or not. No disrespect to Labour’s current candidates for London mayor but which of them carries that cross- party appeal? Tessa Jowell? Diane Abbott? David Lammy? Sadiq Khan? I wouldn’t even tune in to watch them on Newsnight.

If Alan Johnson cannot be persuaded to stand, maybe Labour needs to go back to our Plan A...

Lord Sugar versus Karren Brady in the race to be mayor? The whole nation would tune in for that. And London would be the winner. right? Because it isn’t. This is no recovery, it’s just a relapse to the worst, debt-fuelled excesses of the past. The same investors who caused the last crash are swimming in cheap TO a man, which most of them are, Tory backbenche­rs are seething about David Cameron’s reshuffle. To them, it was tokenism above talent; cronyism over craft. I predict at least 50 won’t bother with their own conference in Birmingham next month.

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