Sunday People



- by Annette Witheridge features@

MICK Jagger credits Godfather of Soul James Brown as one of his greatest influences – and now the Rolling Stone is backing a film about his old mentor and friend.

Get On Up, the biopic produced by Jagger, is set to bring Sex Machine singer Brown a new generation of fans.

It is the most talked about film of the summer and Chadwick Boseman, the relative unknown who plays Brown from a young man to old age, is being tipped for a Best Actor Oscar.

The warts- and- all tale, written by British brothers Jez and John-Henry Butterwort­h, opens in 1988 with ageing wildman Brown, high on drugs, brandishin­g a rifle and screaming at a room full of terrified insurance agents.

It then flashes back to Brown’s dirt-poor childhood in Georgia, where he grew up in his aunt Honey’s brothel after his parents split and abandoned him.


The film is driven along by hit songs such as Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag and It’s A Man’s Man’s World – and Boseman is just electrifyi­ng playing Brown on stage.

Jagger first met the already famous Brown in the early 1960s and freely admits he stole many his frenetic dance moves.

He recalled how Brown and the Stones appeared on the same bill in 1964 and the soulman upstaged them.

Mick said: “James was very miffed about not being top of the bill.

“They wanted me to go and chill him out because I’d already met him. But, of course, he wanted to go out there and kill. And that probably made for a better performanc­e.”

Yet despite the profession­al rivalry, Jagger and Brown became firm friends and stayed so until Brown’s death.

Jumpin’ Jack Flash legend Mick, 71, recalled: “He was always so nice to me, even when I was very young.

“He didn’t treat me like I was a whippersna­pper.

“He was always encouragin­g me and I watched him a lot. He inspired me and I learned a lot from him.”

Boseman, in only his second-ever major fi l m role, spent weeks working with a choreograp­her to replicate perfectly Brown’s trademark dramatic leaps, splits and slides.

He also wore a fat suit and spent hours every day having his make-up fixed to play the star in old age.

Luckily for 32-year-old Boseman he didn’t have to learn to sing.

Brown, who died aged 73 on Christmas Day 2006, left a large and dysfunctio­nal family who are still

fighting over his estate. But they did agree that his music could be used for the film and several spoke to Jagger and Boseman about their memories. Brown himself spent the last 10 years of his life listening to pitches from movie directors including Spike Lee and actors such as Eddie Murphy before giving Jagger’s co-producer Brian Glazier his blessing.

Brown’s adopted godson, the civil rights activist Al Sharpton, was with Jagger at the US premiere earlier this week.

Sharpton, who was the inspiratio­n for the Rev Reggie Bacon in Tom Wolfe’s film Bonfire of the Vanities, recalled: “His fights with the band were notorious.

“They had to be in there. The domestic violence also had to be in there. But I don’t think the movie overplayed it. There are definitely some scenes in there that will make close friends uncomforta­ble.

“But there were scenes in James Brown’s life that made us all uncomforta­ble.”

The Rev Sharpton, who officiated at all three of Brown’s star-studded memorial events, was a friend of the singer’s eldest son Teddy, who was 19 when he died in a car crash. “James took me in like a son,” he recalled. “He always told me to be different. That’s how he would be in his music.

“Before James Brown a lot of artists brought black music to the mainstream. But no one brought the mainstream to black music.

“That’s what he did. He made the world march to a different beat.”

Michael Jackson considered Brown his idol. Jazz musicians such as Miles Davis adored him and he i nspired hip- hop and r ap, constantly reinventin­g himself and working with new stars, including Brit Josh Stone.

Boseman feared he would not be able to recreate Brown’s chaotic private life.

“I was intimidate­d by all the crazy things I heard about the man,” he said. “Now I don’t think he was nuts. You learn that he grew up in a house where his parents actually shot at one another and you begin to understand how he distrusted any relationsh­ip.

“He was driven to make it on his own and you begin to understand it’s part of who he was. James had no education, no boundaries. He believed he had no limitation­s and truly believed he could break any rule he wanted. And that’s exactly what he did.”

Brown was forced to drop out of school and began to earn small change performing roadside dance routines for Second World War troops. He also turned to crime and at 16 was jailed for three years for robbery.

It turned out prison was the making of him. A gifted piano player, he enjoyed performing for inmates. When he was freed he joined a group of gospel singers. Then his group’s 1956 single Please, Please, Please was a monster hit, selling more than a million copies.

Brown also became friends with the man who had been his idol – Little Richard.


He went on to headline at New York’s fabled Apollo theatre. In 1968 he was credited with defusing the threat of riots in Boston after the assassinat­ion of civil rights activist Martin Luther King. Police wanted him to cancel his show that night. Brown refused and it was broadcast on giant speakers across the city.

Brown was often hailed as the most hard-working man in showbusine­ss and his workrate was truly astonishin­g.

He toured by bus up to 330 days a year and demanded perfection from those around him, firing anyone caught drinking. He fined band members for not polishing their shoes or for wearing crumpled clothes.

But the tours wrecked Brown’s health and his private life. By the 1980s he was heavily into painkiller­s and drugs. He kept on having run-ins with the police and his third marriage, to hairdresse­r Adrianne Rodriguez, was marred by domestic violence.

In 1988, after beating Adrianne with a metal pipe and shooting at her, he spent three years in jail. She died in 1996, aged 47.

Brown started dating backing singer Tomi Rae Hynie, the mother of his 13-year-old son James Junior. They tied the knot in 2002.

He was performing right up until his death – making his final appearance in the UK.

A battle over his will continues to this day. Eight acknowledg­ed adult children, ex-lovers, managers and numerous hangers-on all claim a share of the estate, estimated at anything from £3million to £65million.

The one thingg that they finally agreed onn was the movie project. But Boseman admitted Brown’s children were intimidati­ng..

He explained: “I had to answer to the man’s family. They were concerned that we get it right.” Get On Up, opens in the UK next month.

He made the world march to a different beat

 ??  ?? MOVIE: Boseman as Brown and producer Jagger
TRIBUTE: Posters for Brown gig in 1963 and, right, for the new movie
MOVIE: Boseman as Brown and producer Jagger TRIBUTE: Posters for Brown gig in 1963 and, right, for the new movie
 ??  ?? LEGEND: James Brown on stage in UK in 1986 WORLD-BEATER: In London in 1973 TRAPPINGS: Brown with jet and car at peak of fame
IN DECLINE: Police mugshot of star in 1989 FILM: Boseman sings a Brown hit
LEGEND: James Brown on stage in UK in 1986 WORLD-BEATER: In London in 1973 TRAPPINGS: Brown with jet and car at peak of fame IN DECLINE: Police mugshot of star in 1989 FILM: Boseman sings a Brown hit

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