Sunday People



AN empty podium could replace David Cameron in TV election debates because he won’t appear without the Greens.

But what about the SNP, who may hold the balance of power?

And if there were Scot Nats shouldn’t there be Welsh Nats? Or even Irish parties – unionists and SDLP. And as Sinn Fein MPs refuse to take their seats I’m sure they’d be delighted to be represente­d by an empty podium. nation’s credit card out of his own pocket unless they lend a hand.

There is, of course, another explanatio­n and it is one we too often scoff at. That is patriotism.

It was President Kennedy who said: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

Yet nowadays we are more likely to ask how our country can fill our pockets for us.


We know there is not enough money for health, education and welfare. Yet no political party dares go into May’s general election pledging to raise income tax because it’s a vote loser.

Remember, t he Government doesn’t have any money.

It has our money. And if we want the caring and compassion­ate country we grandly say we do it’s our dosh which must pay for it.

So perhaps we should not take the pee out those who give their money to the Treasury instead of a cats’ home.

Though I guess eight out of ten cats might disagree.

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