Sunday People

OUTCRY OVER CRAMPED ENCLOSURE Stuck in a concrete pen since 197 7...

- By Jill Main

ALL by herself and hemmed in by bleak walls, the world’s loneliest elephant is a pitiful sight.

Mali has not felt grass under her feet or had contact with another elephant for nearly 40 years. The trees around her walls are out of reach.

She was snatched away from her mother in Sri Lanka aged three and sent to the Philippine­s as a gift to then president Ferdinand Marcos in 1977.

Now 40 years old, Mali spends most of her waking hours leaning against the concrete walls in an attempt to ease her excruciati­ngly painful foot problems.

Her only respite from the monotony of her confinemen­t is picking up peanuts thrown into her small enclosure by visitors.

Campaigner­s say her stark surroundin­gs in Manila Zoo have left her chronicall­y depressed and suffering from a host of potentiall­y life-threatenin­g ailments.

A Brit-run elephant sanctuary in Thailand has offered Mali a home and the funding to transport her there, but Filipino officials have refused to let her go.


will kill her if they continue to go untreated and time is running out fast.

“A world-renowned sanctuary has agreed to accept Mali but the government is denying her this chance of freedom.”

Wild elephants normally roam up to 30 miles a day over varying terrain. Mali’s tiny concrete enclosure has caused cracks on the soles of her feet that could be fatal.

Jason explained: “Foot infections and arthritis are the leading causes of death among captive elephants.

“Without sustained, expert treatment, Mali’s feet are going to worsen and will likely result in her death.

“She needs specialise­d treatment and to live in an environmen­t that has grass and soft dirt to cushion her feet.”

Should Mali be given permission to leave, PETA have secured a place for her at the Boon Lott Elephant Sanctuary (BLES) in Thailand.


It was set up in 2005 by Katherine Connor, who had a successful career in retail management in Britian before moving to Asia. Her project is home to 12 rescued elephants and the staff have expertise in rehabilita­ting sick animals.

Katherine said: “I look forward to welcoming Mali into the BLES family.

“During my years of rescuing elephants in Thailand, two things have become clear to me – elephants do not belong in captivity, and they are not meant to be alone.”

If and when Mali is allowed to live out her final years at the sanctuary, she’ll be able to explore large natural areas, play in rivers and socialise with other elephants.

Jason added: “Even though Mali has lived in captivity all this time she is still a wild animal at heart. We’re desperate for the Filipino authoritie­s to grant permission for her to be moved to the sanctuary. Her life may depend on it.”

 ??  ?? CRUEL: Mali alone in her pen
CRUEL: Mali alone in her pen

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