Sunday People



IT’S a heartache bad enough to make any woman fall apart.

Legendary singer Bonnie Tyler has been rocked by claims her husband of 43 years had a passionate affair with one of her most devoted fans.

Meghann Pernot, 25, says she and multimilli­onaire Robert Sullivan, 67, cheated on Bonnie for 18 months, including weekly sex in hotels in a six-month period.

The French admin worker, who ran the star’s fan page, also claims property developer Robert regularly sent her steamy texts.

But racked by guilt for betraying her superstar hero, Meghann confessed all to Bonnie, 64, only to be bawled at by the singer and branded crazy and evil by Robert.

Speaking at her home in Burgundy, Meghann wiped away tears and said: “I’ve lost her and him. It will never be the same. It still hurts. I’ve lost everything.

“I feel guilty as well as it’s not all his fault. It’s my fault as well. I could have said no and stopped it in the beginning.

“But I was not able to do that. I had very strong feelings for him. I still love him.”

Star-struck Meghann first met the Total Eclipse Of The Heart singer and Robert in March 2010, backstage at a gig in Brunnen, Switzerlan­d. She instantly struck up a rapport with Bonnie, who represente­d the UK in Eurovision in 2013.

And despite being 42 years his junior, Meghann was soon attracted to Robert.

She kept in touch with the couple via text and email. They were delighted when they discovered she had developed a fans’ website and regularly contribute­d material to it.

Meghann said Robert made his first move in 2014, backstage at one of Bonnie’s gigs in France, when he kissed her and gave her his number. She said: “I was confused as I didn’t understand what was going on.

“At first I thought they were a free couple ( in an open relationsh­ip). Sometimes it happens in showbiz. I told him ‘Don’t kiss another woman who’s not your wife.’ Then everything started from there.”


Three years ago, in a newspaper interview, It’s A Heartache and Lost in France singer Bonnie admitted she and her husband were both unfaithful in their younger days.

The couple have built up a business empire including hotels, homes and other properties, such as a farm in New Zealand and stables in Berkshire.

They split their time between an eightbedro­om mansion in The Mumbles, Swansea Bay, and a property in Santa Eulalia, in Portugal’s Algarve.

The affair and weekly sex sessions in hotels began in Portugal in summer 2014, claims Meghann.

She said: “I would organise the hotels. He asked me not to put his name on the room. He was very careful. He’d rush off and I wanted him to stay with me. I’d be crazy at him as it was difficult.”

But despite his careful approach, Meghann also said he was a tender and romantic lover. “When we saw each other, Robert would always go home at the time Bonnie expected him back. He didn’t change his routine. Bonnie didn’t suspect anything because she trusted me.”

Meghann felt she was betraying the Welsh singer but could not fight the strength of her feelings for Robert.

She said: “I felt bad for Bonnie. I felt guilty. I was talking to him as a friend and then it just happened, as if by mistake. We didn’t want it to happen. It was very difficult for me. I wanted to see him and I didn’t want to hurt Bonnie.

“He’s a gentleman. He made me feel good when I was with him.”


 ?? Pictures: ROLAND LEON ?? LUST IN FRANCE Meghann claims she had an affair with Bonnie’s hubby LOVED UP: Bonnie and Meghann LEGEND: At gig in Norway this month
Pictures: ROLAND LEON LUST IN FRANCE Meghann claims she had an affair with Bonnie’s hubby LOVED UP: Bonnie and Meghann LEGEND: At gig in Norway this month
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