Sunday People

Push comes to Gove

He’s emergency Br-exit


DAVID Cameron is wheeling out every big gun in the internatio­nal arsenal to persuade Britons to stay in the EU.

So far he’s had Barack Obama, Japan’s premier Shinzo Abe and President Xi of China over here to urge us to reject Brexit.

Next he’ll be asking Islamic State’s Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to back leave because that way Britain is easier to bomb.

That would rake in a few fear votes for the PM.

Former chief spooks Sir John Sawers of MI6 and MI5’ s Jonathan Evans say it’ll be terrorist Armageddon if Brexit win.

And on Wednesday up popped MI5’s ex-boss Eliza Manningham- Buller with the message: “Now is absolutely not the time to back away from the EU. To leave would present real risks to our security.”

I like Eliza. She once gave me a jar of excellent cranberry chutney and I liked her even more. But just because James Bond plays a mean game of baccarat, it doesn’t mean Cameron should get away with playing the security card.

Our spies have relationsh­ips with their foreign counterpar­ts which go beyond political structures. They are based on trust and personal contact. More than 850 Brits have fought for IS in Syria and half are now back here. Up to 100 of those are actively plotting atrocities.

We share the lowdown on them with European intelligen­ce agencies and they tell us about their mad bombers and shooters.

In or out of the EU, t hat would continue.

But Cameron is becoming ever more desperate because Brexit would mean the end of his premiershi­p. Or would it? Some staunch Brexit Tories say the PM can survive if Britain votes to leave the EU. They told him: “All you need is Gove.”

As the PM wouldn’t have his heart in negotiatin­g withdrawal they say he must appoint Michael Gove as his Deputy PM to do it for him.

This would be an odd state of affairs. The biggest economic upheaval since the Great Depression and the British PM would have no part in it. But at least he could keep his job.

So altogether now... All you need is Gove, Gove. Gove is all you need.

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