Sunday People

SIR LENNY BL AST ON RACE IN SHO WBIZ Some black actors stop being black. They become Will Smith


SHOWBIZ legend Sir Lenny Henry has slammed TV and movie chiefs over an “oppressive” lack of ethnic minority faces making it on to the screen.

In a hard-hitting interview with the Sunday People, the veteran funnyman branded the BBC “very, very white” – and even took aim at fellow black stars.

Outspoken Sir Lenny, 57, accused successful actors like Men in Black’s Will Smith of failing to stay true to their race.

“If a movie makes more than a hundred dollars, some black people stop being black – they become Will Smith,” he said.


He said TV and movies fail to show a multicultu­ral society, adding: “Until writers and directors reflect what is happening they won’t represent us properly.” And he had withering comments for Hollywood. “The Oscars were ridiculous,” he said. “The only brown person nominated was the bear in the Leo DiCaprio film The Revenant.” Comic Relief founder Sir Lenny, whose glittering 40year career was rewarded with the Alan Clarke award at last week’s TV Baftas, was particular­ly scathing about the BBC. He described the broadcaste­r as “an oppressive institutio­n” that has to change. “I worked at the BBC for 35 years before I had a meeting with anyone who looks like me,” he recalled. “The only people like me were cleaning the corridors and that is not right.

“You walk into the Beeb and it is very, very white. That is not anybody’s fault. You can be in an oppressive institutio­n and not be an oppressor.

“All the diversity work that has been going on is appreciate­d – but until behind the camera is sorted out you are not going to see much change.”

Sir Lenny made similar remarks about diversity in his Baftas acceptance speech – leading to a disagreeme­nt with black Briti British star John Boyega. Sta Star Wars actor Boyega, 24, clai claimed: “To complain about what is going on is not going to benefit us. Be the change youy want to be.”

But Sir Lenny hit back: “John“is in Star Wars so he can say that. Meritocrac­y works on a level playing fie field. But what if it’s not level and peoplepeop who don’t look like you are making the decisions?”

He has earned the right to speak out. He has been a familiar face since the 1970s, doing stand-up, hosting his longrunnin­g Lenny Henry Show and taking on Shakespear­e roles.

He insisted: “This is not personal. This is for people who get doors slammed in their face because it does not fit, or they are in a wheelchair, or they are a woman, transgende­r or gay.”

The Government highlighte­d the need for diversity in last week’s White Paper on the future of the BBC. It could now be written into the Corporatio­n’s charter – which Sir Lenny supports.

He said: “We are at the beginning of change. There is still work to be done.”

 ??  ?? CALL FOR CHANGE Sir Lenny says lack of diversity is depriving TV of talent CHARGE: Hollywood’s Will Smith BARD ROLE: Lenny in Shakespear­e
CALL FOR CHANGE Sir Lenny says lack of diversity is depriving TV of talent CHARGE: Hollywood’s Will Smith BARD ROLE: Lenny in Shakespear­e

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