Sunday People

Jo would have loved this... people coming together


- by Phil Cardy

THE sister of Jo Cox has paid an emotional tribute to the late MP, saying her family will “never stop thinking about her”.

Kim Leadbeater was speaking at an event in Jo’s home town to honour her legacy.

It was one of dozens taking place across the UK inspired by Jo’s words: “We have far more in common than that which divides us.”

Kim said: “The outpouring of love and sympathy has provided us with comfort and hope. This is the type of day Jo would have loved – the community she loved coming together.”

Labour MP Jo died after being stabbed and shot in the street in June as she arrived for a surgery in her Birstall constituen­cy, days before her 42nd birthday. Kim, 40, told how the family was slowly coming to terms with her death.

She said: “We’re doing okay. We are obviously thinking about her every day and that will never stop. Over the last 11 weeks my life has changed for ever.

“So much of what I thought I knew and understood has been destroyed. I know there is a long way to go to process what has happened. But I also know we’re not alone.”

Jo’s dad Gordon, 69, was tearful at the event in Batley, Wes t Yorkshire and her mum Jean, 68, spoke out for the first time since the tragedy saying: “Jo would have adored this, being in the community mixing with lots of different people.” The event, under t he # MoreInComm­on banner, took place at Batley High School, where pupils also paid tribute to the former MP – moving Gordon to tears. Kim said the family refused to give in to “anger, hatred and self pity” saying: “It’s the last thing my sister would have wanted.” She said she would channel her energy into embracing Jo’s beliefs of accepting difference­s, embracing diversity a nd ta c k l i ng division. The events yesterday were backed by Hope Not Hate, one of three causes supported by the Jo Cox Fund, which has raised more than £500,000 since her death.

Regional organiser Paul Meszaros said: “Jo meant a lot to people in this community.

“Her family has been inspiratio­nal. It’s important we keep Jo’s legacy alive.

“Unfortunat­ely there are still people who are inclined to hate others and we have to work to make sure those ideas don’t get a strong foothold.”

The event was the first organised by the More in Common Group, which includes colleagues of the late MP and local community groups.

The Batley Community Choir also performed The Rose, their tribute single to the MP.

Thomas Mair, 52, has been charged with Jo’s murder. His trial in November will be held under anti-terror guidelines.

 ??  ?? TEARS: Sister Kim with dad Gordon. Inset, Jo’s mum Jean
TEARS: Sister Kim with dad Gordon. Inset, Jo’s mum Jean
 ??  ?? TRIBUTES: Jo embraced diversity
TRIBUTES: Jo embraced diversity

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