Sunday People

We’re like Jedward ...but we can sing

X Factor’s Ottavio and Bradley end fowl play

- By Emma Pryer, TV EDITOR

ZANY double-act Ottavio and Bradley say they are better X Factor oddballs than the legendary Jedward – because they can sing.

The camp pals made it through to bootcamp on the ITV show last night after the judges helped clear up their “chickengat­e” row.

And Ottavio Collumbro, 24, said: “We’re different to Jedward because we can actually sing. We’re more talented – 100 per cent.”

He and Bradley Hunt, 22, turned up to audition separately after a month-long rift. But Ottavio broke down and revealed he had been in a double-act with his pal until they fell out over a raw chicken dinner.

A baffled Simon Cowell asked Bradley, “Did you give him under-cooked chicken?” and told the weepy lads to audition together.

Ottavio said: “I was being a bit of a diva. I wanted my dinner and Bradley offered to cook an Asda chicken but when I took a bite it was raw. Part of me thought, ‘He’s trying to poison me,’ then I thought, ‘ No, it’s Bradley.’ I threw a plate at him. He left. I blocked him on Facebook, Instagram and on my phone. I overreacte­d a bit, maybe.”

Bradley added: “I made ‘Sorry’ videos for him and everything. We had an incident before where we had a roast dinner and the stuffing was really bad and he threw gravy at the wall.”

The pair, who admit to “drunken snogs” in the past, say: “We’re like a married couple, minus any sexual activity.”

They auditioned together as Cosmic Boom but were renamed simply Ottavio and Bradley.

 ??  ?? FLAP: Ottavio and Bradley had a row
FLAP: Ottavio and Bradley had a row

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