Sunday People

Medics lining up UK exit

- By Ben Russell

THOUSANDS of doctors are planning to flee Britain to work overseas as the bitter row over a controvers­ial new contract rumbles on.

Figures from the General Medical Council reveal that from February to August, 5,933 medics applied to work abroad. More than a thousand of the bids were filed came in February alone – with typically around 800 signing up in subsequent months.

Countries including Dubai and Australia are tempting staff with higher wages and better hours.

The findings come as the BMA announced four fiveday walkouts over the next four months over the ongoing row with Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt.


NHS Providers and NHS Confederat­ion have issued a joint plea to the BMA to rethink the move. Medics will stage the latest strikes from September 12 to 16, on October 5, 6, 7, 10 and 11, November 14 to 18 and December 5 to 9.

Chris Hopson, chief executive of NHS Providers, said they will “lead to an estimated 125,000 lost operations and over a million lost outpatient appointmen­ts”.

He added: “With barely any notice for trusts to prepare, this unpreceden­ted level of strike action will cause major disruption and risk patient safety.”

But the BMA said it was “absolutely behind” the strikes – and added that it will call the action off if the Government agrees to halt the contract imposition.

Dr Ellen McCourt, who chairs the BMA’s junior doctors’ committee, said: “We want to resolve this through talks but in forcing through a contract, doctors have rejected, the Government has left them with no other choice.”

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