Sunday People

Prison guard’s car firebombed

- By Keith Perry by Karen Rockett

A PRISON officer’s car was firebombed in a daylight attack.

The male attacker walked into the car park at HM Prison Wealstun, smashed the vehicle’s back window and tried to throw in containers full of petrol.

But they bounced off and exploded on the Tarmac, causing serious scorching damage. A source at the Category C jail in Wetherby, West Yorks said: “This is terrifying for the officer and has traumatise­d other staff members.

“The suspect is clearly trying to send a message. Extra security has been ordered and the officer is being given advice.” No arrests have yet been made and police are examining CCTV film taken of the brazen attack at 5pm on August 18.

Glyn Travis, assistant secretary of the prison officers’ associatio­n, said: “This is an example of the violence aimed at officers daily. It underlines that our members face threats and intimidati­on inside and outside work. With cuts and fewer staff, the situation will get worse.” THE Queen was all smiles at the Highland Games yesterday, beaming in a purple outfit that matched her heather bouquet.

Her Maj was at the Braemar Gathering to cheer on strapping chaps in kilts tossing the caber, throwing hammers and getting sweaty over tug of war.

Prince Charles and Princess Anne were also in good spirits at the event – all three looked like they’d Scot the joke.

 ??  ?? OUR KILTY PLEASURE: Queen laughs with Charles and Anne
OUR KILTY PLEASURE: Queen laughs with Charles and Anne

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