Sunday People

REF-GATE: THE STORY THAT’S If Halsey is telling truth then we must call it what it is ...

- By Andy Dunn

MARK HALSEY’S claims that he was told to LIE by his refereeing bosses strike at the heart of the game’s integrity.

If true, they undermine football’s profession­al officials and expose the whole disciplina­ry process – fundamenta­l to the sport’s fairness – as little more than a sham.

Think about it. Essentiall­y, a referee at the very highest level was told to CHEAT. Cheat the system.

It is a deeply flawed system but more of that later.

The major ramificati­on of Halsey’s revelation­s is that players may have been banned unjustifia­bly.

That means results could have been affected, title battles and relegation fights swayed.

No wonder most referees sign a Non Disclosure Agreement. Thankfully, Halsey did not. And his allegation­s – if true – render the Profession­al Game Match Officials Limited unfit for purpose.

Halsey’s allegation­s suggest the organisati­on was nothing less than CORRUPT.

If it was going on in Halsey’s time – he retired in 2013 – can we believe it is not going on now?

Can we believe referees and their bosses are not colluding to get their stories straight so that the ‘right’ outcome can be reached in the disciplina­ry process?

Gary Neville immediatel­y realised the enormity of Halsey’s claims when he read the former referee’s tweets.

Neville himself tweeted: “Mark is that not corrupt!! I’d like to know who told you to say that!!” Followed by “@FA and @premierlea­gue think you have a major issue on your hand.”


The former Manchester United and England star – now back with Sky – then contacted Halsey and reported: “I’ve spoken with Mark. Verified the statement. Huge problem!!!”

Since 2013, the rules regarding retrospect­ive action have changed. A player can now be charged for ‘off-the-ball incidents where one or more match official did see the players coming together, but the match officials’ view was such that none of them had the opportunit­y to make a decision on an act of misconduct that took place within that coming together’.

So while there is now some leeway for officials, whether or not they saw the incident is still key to the process.

An FA statement said that Andre Marriner – who was in close proximity to the clash and appeared to have an unobstruct­ed view – did not see Sergio Aguero lashing out at Winston Reid.

Aguero was handed a three-match ban – he misses Saturday’s Manchester derby – prompting the Twitter discussion that led to Halsey’s claims. While his comments have stunningly serious ramificati­ons, they will not be a complete surprise to many in the game who have long had little faith in the disciplina­ry system.

Even though cases are brought before a three- man independen­t panel, it is extremely rare the FA loses a case once they have brought a charge. In fact, they have an astonishin­g 99-plus per cent success rate.


Once Aguero had been charged, a suspension was almost inevitable but it would not be surprising if City fans, in the light of Halsey’s remarks, are asking if Marriner might have been told to say he had not seen the incident. The controvers­y will surely spark a fresh round of calls for further reform of the disciplina­ry system.

Many believe the question of whether or not an official saw an incident should be irrelevant and if video evidence shows a charge is justified, it should be brought.

But while it is relevant, the least players, managers, clubs and fans can expect is total honesty from referees.

And that, according to Halsey, is not what we have always had. Truly shocking. We expect players to cheat... not referees.

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