Sunday People


- By Sean Rayment

ARMY top brass have been told to “exploit” soldiers’ job worries in a desperate bid to stop them quitting.

A leaked document reveals officers are being encouraged to sow doubt in troops’ minds when interviewi­ng them after they request to leave.

Under the heading “Question”, the document tells officers to ask: “Do you have a job?”

And under the heading “Helpful Notes” it adds: “Large percentage of soldiers do not get a job straightaw­ay. Exploit doubt and uncertaint­y. Few men will have written job offers.”

They have also been urged to suggest a civilian job would be “boring and repetitive”.

Figures show the Army has fewer than 80,000 troops, the lowest number since Britain fought Napoleon in 1812.

Many senior officers believe the armed forces risk not being able to defend the country, while last week Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon told of risks from rising Russian aggression.

The document was leaked on the Facebook page “Fill Your Boots” which is used by serving and ex soldiers to air grievances. One said: “The Army is using scare tactics. They are trying to say there are no suitable jobs on civvy street but the opposite is true.”

Former soldier Paul Cairns said: “Signed off in 2004 as a lance corporal. Now an airline captain earning more than the Colonel. The joke is on them.”

 ??  ?? WARNING: Fallon

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