Sunday People

How to brighten the dark moods

- By Vikki White

ARE you struggling to sleep at night, feel grumpy and generally want to turn away from people?

If the answer is yes, you could be one of the 20 per cent who are suffering winter blues.

This may be caused by a lack of natural light during the coldest months of the year. And it results i n mild l e t hargy a nd depression.

In summer, exposure to sunlight boosts our levels of serotonin, the chemical that makes us feel happy.

But in winter we produce more melatonin, a hormone that causes drowsiness.

“Our body r hythm is determined by exposure to light and dark,” says psychologi­st and sleep expert Chireal Shallow.

“And what happens with some people is that their mood is affected by sunlight.

“When the sun comes out, people immediatel­y feel happier and research shows that if you are not exposed to light it can affect your mood. Everybody is affected by this to some degree.”

It is now, soon after the clocks have gone back, that we typically notice a lack of light.

Problems sleeping, irritabili­ty or feeling tearful could all be signs of being affected, says Chireal. “It’s a general sense of feeling lacklustre. You are less likely to go out, exercise, or accept dinner dates.”

Winter blues sufferers typically crave comfort foods that are high in fat and carbohydra­tes. But while these foods provide a relief, the gain is short term and the resulting crash in blood sugar l evel causes sluggishne­ss. Thankfully, there are plenty of treatments available to relieve the winter blues.

“You don’t have to accept you’ll feel depressed this winter,” says Chireal.

“There are great products available to increase the amount of light you are exposed to.


“Bright light therapy products by companies such as Innolux can really help but many people aren’t aware they are on the market.

“They are simple light sources that are specifical­ly designed to give you the right level of light when the nights turn darker.”

With many people leaving home for work in the morning when it is dark, and then returning after sunset, stepping outside the office for 20 minutes in the daylight can also provide a boost. Moving your desk closer to a window and leaving your curtains open are also simple and effective ways of combatting the winter blues.

Exercise is known to relieve mild depression, so you could try cycling to work, running, or working out at a gym.

And you could get away from it all by taking a winter break. Though flying out for winter sun is an obvious choice, a skiing or walking holiday would also get you outside and into the light.

However, be aware that people get the blues in varying degrees. The acute form is called seasonal affective disorder, or SAD.

Around two million people are affected in the UK and medical help is needed for the worst cases. “SAD means you get depressed and this shouldn’t be taken lightly,” says Chireal.

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