Sunday People

Trump sequel a losing hand

You’ve Been Trumped Too Cert PG


THERE are no fleas on this amiable comedy about a busker and a stray tomcat who becomes a YouTube sensation and publishing personalit­y.

This modest odd-couple film with its message of hope and redemption is based on a true story.

Bob is rescued by homeless busker James, played by a scruffy and sympatheti­c Luke Treadaway, who charms shoppers in Covent Garden but fails to make enough money for food.

James has a catastroph­ic New Year’s Eve encounter with his estranged dad and there’s an all-too-brief appearance by an unusually glamorous Joanne Froggatt as a kind drug-support worker.

There are little interludes of Tom and Jerry- style capers and the camera occasional­ly gives us a Bob’s eye view.

The actors are engaging in a film to gently warm your heart on the run-up to Christmas. But the real star is Bob. THIS random, repetitive and hastily made documentar­y tries to give the US presidenti­al election a Scottish accent.

This is Anthony Baxter’s sequel to his investigat­ion into Donald Trump’s executive golf course in Aberdeensh­ire. But he struggles to move the story on.

The golf club is still there, the many promised jobs aren’t.

And 92-year-old Molly Forbes still hasn’t had a regular water supply since her pipeline was cut during the constructi­on of the course in 2011.

Her son Michael is taken to the US to meet Trump supporters and describe his experience­s.

In its best moments it raises important questions about the local authoritie­s’ relationsh­ip with Trump’s business.

There’s plenty of anger and forthright Scots opinion, but no clear narrative or idea of what is hoped to be achieved.

 ??  ?? AIMS: Donald Trump
AIMS: Donald Trump

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