Sunday People

PREMIER LEAGUE EDEN FOR Hazard destroys Everton and shows the kind of form that has boss Conte purring


GARETH BALE signed a contract last week at Real Madrid which confirmed his position as the world’s greatest footballer.

His team-mate, Cristiano Ronaldo, might not agree with that descriptio­n.

Chelsea boss Antonio Conte doesn’t either – judging by the pre-match claim that Eden Hazard can give the Welsh wizard a run for his money,

However, the Italian’s assessment that the little Belgian is among the best on the planet was proved emphatical­ly last night. And then some.

Tasked with scoring for the fourth league match in succession for the first time in his career, Hazard produced goals of breathtaki­ng quality as Stamford Bridge began to believe.


Not only that, he was involved in just about everything good about the west Londoners as hapless Everton were ripped into tiny pieces in an impressive individual tour de force from Hazard and a collective one from his team-mates.

He was here, there and every blimmin’-where as the Blues sent out a message that they are very much fancy a say in the eventual resting place of this year’s league trophy.

Was it really just 11 months ago that Hazard produced the impression of a little boy lost as he cut such a disinteres­ted figure under previous boss Jose Mourinho?

It was. When t hings were good, the Special One had joked that a transfer fee of £ 100million would buy only one of Hazard’s legs. He seemed to be playing on just that one leg at times last season.

However, Mourinho’s valuation looked cheap on last night’s display.

And although Hazard’s was the stand-out performanc­e as he added another chapter to the growing book of flicks and trick, his is not the only re-birth of significan­ce under Conte. The re-signing of David Luiz was met with guffaws throughout football. This preening, long-haired show-pony fancies another crack at English football does he? At the heart of Conte’s defence and with John Terry an interested spectator on the bench, the Brazilian looked what he should be – a proper centrehalf that a big club could rely upon. Again though, t hat s t ory was repeated all over the pitch. Conte has somehow dragged the same results from all of his players, instilled a drive, a belief and willingnes­s to work their socks off. Gary Cahill looked assured alongside Luis’s dominant presence. And Diego Costa – another who did not come up with the goods under Mourinho – was pushing all of the right buttons. Victor Moses has operated on the fringes. Not any longer.

Power, know- how, organisati­on and a desperate will- to- win has transforme­d Chelsea. And yesterday they bore a hallmark of excellence.

However, if there is one criticism to be levelled at this side it is the over-reliance on their little Belgian math-turner.

Conte does not have the magical alternativ­es enjoyed by Liverpool boss J urgen Klopp who can change his frontline and not really notice any drop in standards.

At Manchester City, Pep Guardiola chose to rest Raheem Sterling yesterday. That may or may not have backfired. At Old Trafford, Mourinho has plenty of options – despite the fact that he cannot find the right blend. If, i ndeed, it exists.


How can Conte come up with an alternativ­e to Hazard, a man at the peak of his powers, if he suffers a lengthy lay-off? He can’t.

But the Premier League table doesn’t lie. Even at this stage of the campaign, it is a barometer of the good, bad and the ugly.

And this was a throwback to the best days under Mourinho,when his side demonstrat­ed a swagger, certain in the knowledge that whatever they faced, they would triumph.

But every top side needs a superstar – and in Hazard they have one.

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