Sunday People

3 kids face losing both parents within weeks

- By John Kelly

FAMILY and friends are rallying to support three tragic children who are set to lose both their parents to cancer within weeks of each other.

Julie Bennet, 50, is dying in a hospice bed. Her husband Mike, 57, passed away a week ago after battling a brain tumour for years.

Her consolatio­n is knowing that their children Oliver, 13, Hannah, 18, and Luke, 21, will be cared for.

Friend Sue Wright said: “I told her the community would come together to help look after her kids. She opened her eyes and smiled.”

And Heather Heaton Gallagher, a spokeswoma­n for the children, added: “Words cannot express our desperate sadness for such a beautiful family. The Bennets are known to all for their generosity, their love for life and their down to earth approach.

“Julie has kept the children in a normal routine while dealing with Mike’s illness.

“When she got ill she made it her purpose to create as many memories as a family for them to hold on to.

“Facing a double terminal cancer diagnosis is beyond belief and, as a community, we are working hard to support the family so that they can stay together and ensure that they can continue their education as planned.”

Primary school teacher Julie is being cared for in St John’s Hospice on the Wirral, Merseyside, not far from the family home in Irby.

The children released a heartbreak­ing photo of her last moments with Mike, in which she clutches his hand just before he died on February 6. Julie nursed him throughout his tumour ordeal only to be diagnosed with cancer of the liver and kidneys in May last year, which has spread.

Friends have started a JustGiving page, which hit £15,000 overnight.

Luke said: “My brother, sister and I are overwhelme­d by the enormous support and generosity we have received from so many friends and well-wishers.

“It gives my mum a great deal of comfort to hear that we are being so well looked after by the community.

“I know it has been her priority since being diagnosed to make sure the three of us can continue as best we can with our studies and fulfil our ambitions.

“Mum has appreciate­d all the help from close friends in supporting the family over the last three years through difficult times.”

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